I was out of town on a vacation with my family, and one morning I looked down at my legs, and they were starting to swell up like crazy.
Immediately, I started to get very nervous.
My wife was freaking out, because my legs looked so odd.
They’d swelled up so fast.
She feared something was very wrong, and so did I.
So as soon as I got back home from our vacation, I immediately called my doctor and set up an appointment.
When I went in to see him, he took one look at my legs and then he looked at me, and asked me if my family had any kidney problems in the past.
Instantly, a bolt of fear shot up to through my heart and into my brain, and I nervously told him, “Yes doc, my Mom died of kidney failure and so did my older brother.”
He looked at me and told me the very thing I feared…
Immediately, I started to get very nervous.
My wife was freaking out, because my legs looked so odd.
They’d swelled up so fast.
She feared something was very wrong, and so did I.
So as soon as I got back home from our vacation, I immediately called my doctor and set up an appointment.
When I went in to see him, he took one look at my legs and then he looked at me, and asked me if my family had any kidney problems in the past.
Instantly, a bolt of fear shot up to through my heart and into my brain, and I nervously told him, “Yes doc, my Mom died of kidney failure and so did my older brother.”
He looked at me and told me the very thing I feared…
When I heard those words, I went numb.
My wife started tearing up. You could tell she was devastated. It was a terrifying moment for us both.
The doctor was able to drain the liquid out of my legs and he put me on heavy drugs to squeeze a few more months life out of my kidneys.
I quickly started searching for potential kidney donors, and after three good friends unsuccessfully tested to become my donor, I was given the gift of life.
I will never be able to repay my friend Erin Neth, who stepped up for me and saved my life.
She became my angel kidney donor. Because of her great sacrifice, I’m alive today.
After my kidney transplant, I had a long recovery period, where I was not allowed to leave my bed, or go out into any public places, which caused me to gain a lot of weight.
And in just a minute…
Hi, my name is David Frey. I live in Houston, Texas with my beautiful wife and two children.
And in this letter, I’m going to teach you how to never quit on your diet ever again, and how to achieve a long, happy, lean and healthy life.
So as I said, I gained a lot of weight while I was in recovery, and to add to that, I had to start taking a handful of kidney transplant rejection drugs every day, that made me gain even more weight.
After my kidney transplant, MY BIGGEST FEAR, is that I would lose my one functioning kidney, if I went back to eating junk food, and living an unhealthy life.
I was terrified of letting down my kidney donor, after the sacrifice she had made for me.
But instead of losing weight and gaining it right back, like I had in the past, I wanted to create a plan, that would help me to live lean and healthy, the rest of my life.
I knew this was gonna be hard because I had a bad habit of eating sweets, junk food and processed food.
1. Big Macs hamburgers from McDonalds. I loved to woof down a Big Mac. Some days I would go back and eat a SECOND Big Mac!
2. Cinnamon Life Cereal. I couldn’t eat enough Cinnamon Life Cereal. I would eat it in the morning, at night before bed and I would sneak another bowl around 2:00 AM in the morning
3. Pecan Pies. My Dad used to bring home Pecan Pies from work, and I would eat the whole pie by the end of the day. The ENTIRE PECAN PIE!
Oh yeah, and I DRANK SODAS like crazy. My favorite was Diet Coke. I would drink a soda in the morning, for lunch, and later in the afternoon.
Every time I tried to eat healthy, I would give in so many times that I would soon give up.
And I would try to work out at home, but I would always end up blowing it off.
Knowing that I had very little self-control, I came up with a clever little eating plan that magically worked for me.
My plan was to only eat whole foods, that were automatically portion controlled.
And that was it. I only bought whole foods that were packaged in single servings.
So I created a daily eating schedule and put it on my refrigerator to remind me when to eat and what to eat.
MORNING: In the morning, I would have a lean protein shake.
LATE MORNING: Then around 10:30 AM I would usually have an apple or pear.
LUNCH: And then for lunch, I would have a salad kit.
A salad kit is a ready made salad, that’s in a bag, that you can buy at the grocery store.
LATE AFTERNOON: And then around 3:30 PM in the afternoon I’d have some chopped up vegetables that were already portioned out.
DINNER: Now for dinner, I liked eating Tuna Creations, which are vacuum-sealed pouches of tuna, and I’d add some steamed vegetables.
I would also get pouches of chicken and salmon to mix it up a little.
LATE NIGHT: And later on that night, I usually had another protein shake before I went to bed.
That’s it. Just shakes, salads, vegetables, fruit and some chicken, tuna or salmon that were all, portioned out in advance.
Oh yeah, I stopped drinking sodas and just started drinking water.
I bought a big water bottle, and took it with me everywhere I went, so I’d drink a lot of water every day.
Guess what, my weight started falling off me!
It was crazy how fast the weight started melting.
And I wasn’t very hungry at all.
I will never be able to repay my friend Erin Neth, who stepped up for me and saved my life.
She became my angel kidney donor. Because of her great sacrifice, I’m alive today.
After my kidney transplant, I had a long recovery period, where I was not allowed to leave my bed, or go out into any public places, which caused me to gain a lot of weight.
And in just a minute…
Hi, my name is David Frey. I live in Houston, Texas with my beautiful wife and two children.
And in this letter, I’m going to teach you how to never quit on your diet ever again, and how to achieve a long, happy, lean and healthy life.
So as I said, I gained a lot of weight while I was in recovery, and to add to that, I had to start taking a handful of kidney transplant rejection drugs every day, that made me gain even more weight.
After my kidney transplant, MY BIGGEST FEAR, is that I would lose my one functioning kidney, if I went back to eating junk food, and living an unhealthy life.
I was terrified of letting down my kidney donor, after the sacrifice she had made for me.
But instead of losing weight and gaining it right back, like I had in the past, I wanted to create a plan, that would help me to live lean and healthy, the rest of my life.
I knew this was gonna be hard because I had a bad habit of eating sweets, junk food and processed food.
1. Big Macs hamburgers from McDonalds. I loved to woof down a Big Mac. Some days I would go back and eat a SECOND Big Mac!
2. Cinnamon Life Cereal. I couldn’t eat enough Cinnamon Life Cereal. I would eat it in the morning, at night before bed and I would sneak another bowl around 2:00 AM in the morning
Every time I tried to eat healthy, I would give in so many times that I would soon give up.
And I would try to work out at home, but I would always end up blowing it off.
Knowing that I had very little self-control, I came up with a clever little eating plan that magically worked for me.
MORNING: In the morning, I would have a lean protein shake.
LATE MORNING: Then around 10:30 AM I would usually have an apple or pear.
LUNCH: And then for lunch, I would have a salad kit.
A salad kit is a ready made salad, that’s in a bag, that you can buy at the grocery store.
LATE AFTERNOON: And then around 3:30 PM in the afternoon I’d have some chopped up vegetables that were already portioned out.
DINNER: Now for dinner, I liked eating Tuna Creations, which are vacuum-sealed pouches of tuna, and I’d add some steamed vegetables.
I would also get pouches of chicken and salmon to mix it up a little.
LATE NIGHT: And later on that night, I usually had another protein shake before I went to bed.
Oh yeah, I stopped drinking sodas and just started drinking water.
I bought a big water bottle, and took it with me everywhere I went, so I’d drink a lot of water every day.
Guess what, my weight started falling off me!
It was crazy how fast the weight started melting.
And I wasn’t very hungry at all.
All the food I ate was whole food, and it was automatically portion controlled.
I didn’t have to use any willpower, to hold myself back from eating too much.
When the portion was gone, that was it. That’s all I ate.
And I tried to drink two bottles full of water every day.
When I got down to my ideal weight, I expanded the whole foods that I ate, but still made sure they were portioned properly.
When I started losing weight and seeing these great results, I wanted to start exercising.
But I had never successfully stuck to an exercise plan.
Every time I’d want to go to the gym, I’d end up talking myself out of it and quitting.
Does that sound familiar?
So I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do it by myself.
So here’s what I did.
I put my alarm clock in my bathroom and every night before I went to bed, I put my gym clothes right by my alarm clock.
So when 5:00 am rolled around, the alarm would go off and I’d be forced to get up and get out of bed and walk into my bathroom to turn it off.
And since my gym clothes were right there, I’d put them on and I’d be ready to go to the gym.
But I still wasn’t sure I was gonna be able to go to the gym, and actually DO the work out.
I emailed a list of my local friends and told them that I was looking for a weight lifting partner to workout with me every day.
I let ‘em know I was going to lift weights between 6:00 am to 7:00 am in the morning at the local gym.
Out of about friends I emailed, one responded and said he’d loved to come and workout with me.
Now I had an accountability partner and so that’s how I started lifting weights every day.
So every day, like clock work, for a whole year, I ate whole foods that were perfectly portioned, and I worked out – days a week.
I repeated those healthy behaviors so many times, that they eventually became a habit.
They were like second nature to me.
I didn’t have to exert any willpower to do them.
HOW MANY TIMES have you gone to a restaurant and know you shouldn’t order that lasagna, but you did it any way.
And later you felt depressed because you blew it again.
HOW MANY TIMES has the alarm clock gone off, and you know you should get out of bed and get to the gym, but you blew it off and stayed in bed.
And you later felt guilty for not following through with your gut feeling to workout.
Did you know that The American Physiological Association did a survey asking the reasons people weren’t able to lose weight.
People reported that “LACK OF WILLPOWER” was the number one reason why they were unable to lose weight.
So, instead of saying that successful weight loss comes from 70% what you eat and 30% how much you exercise, like all the gurus tell you…
….the REAL TRUTH is that successful, long term weight loss comes from 95% PERCENT WILLPOWER, and only 5% percent healthy eating and exercise.
The fact is, that the vast majority of people, just don’t have strong enough willpower to stick with their new, healthy lifestyle long enough, for it to become a habit. So they end up quitting altogether.
WILLPOWER is what motivates you to perform healthy behaviors when you don’t want to do it.
WILLPOWER is what gets you out of bed to go to the gym, when you don’t want to go.
WILLPOWER is what stops you from giving into temptations to overeat or eat junk food.
Your lack of Willpower is what’s standing between you and your dream of achieving a great looking, slim body and a long term healthy lifestyle.
Okay, I’m pretty sure, this is something you already know.
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight and you quit, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
If you don’t have enough WILLPOWER to stick with a program, you’ll never be able to form the healthy habits you need to do, to create a lifelong healthy lifestyle.
Well, willpower is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.
What this means, is the more you use your willpower to make healthy food choices, and to exercise consistently, the stronger your willpower becomes to do them.
Eventually, those healthy behaviors become habits.
You see, it all starts in your brain.
Every time you repeat a healthy behavior, neurons in your brain communicate with each other to create a neural pathway.
The more you repeat the behavior, the larger and stronger the neural pathway grows.
With repeated behavior, eventually the neural pathway is strong enough to form a habit, and a habit is a behavior that’s done automatically, without the use of much willpower.
And that’s the end goal.
Now here’s the really cool thing.
I know that sounds strange, but it’s true.
After getting out of bed at 5:00 AM in the morning, over 300 times, it became a habit for me.
I didn’t have to exert, hardly any willpower, because my willpower to do that behavior was so strong after having done it so many times.
Does that makes sense?
The same with eating salads for lunch, over and over again, for a year.
It became a habit, so I didn’t have to use much willpower to continue eating salads because my willpower to do that behavior was so strong.
The more you exercise your willpower to repeat healthy behaviors, the stronger your willpower gets, until it eventually becomes a HABIT, at which point, you don't need much willpower to repeat the behavior.
This reminds me of the famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
THAT is how you LOSE WEIGHT PERMANENTLY and create a lifelong healthy lifestyle. I hope that makes sense.
In the beginning, repeating healthy behaviors, like eating right and exercising, is really hard to do. It takes a LOT of willpower!
IT'S NOT EASY to get up early to work out.
IT'S NOT EASY turning way "comfort" food that you love.
IT'S NOT EASY denying yourself sweet, sugary food that you're addicted to.
IT'S NOT EASY narrowing down your food choices to only veggies and lean meats.
None of these behaviors are easy to do...IN THE BEGINNING.
It's like an airplane, which uses most of it's fuel during take off.
That's why so many people, quit their diets, and their exercising, so quickly.
So here’s the BIG QUESTION.
How do you start eating right and exercising, WITHOUT having to exert all that willpower IN THE BEGINNING, so that you can continue to do it enough times, so that it will eventually turn into an automatic habit?
THAT’s the big
And in the remainder of this letter, I’m going to reveal to you the answer to the big question and explain exactly how to do it.
So please stick with me because…
… and how to create long term, sustainable healthy habits that result in finally achieving a great looking body, and maintaining that healthy body, for the rest of you life.
Okay, remember my story at the beginning of this presentation, about how I was able to get healthy, lose weight and keep it off because of a few simple systems I inserted into my life.
Listen up now, because again, this is the WILLPOWER SECRET
NUMBER ONE, I made it easy for myself to get up at 5:00 am every morning to get to the gym by 6:00 am, because I put my alarm clock in another room and placed my gym clothes next to the alarm clock.
That forced me to get up and get ready.
NUMBER TWO, I found an accountability partner to work out with me.
That forced me to go to the gym and do the work out, because I knew he would be waiting for me.
NUMBER THREE, I only purchased food items that were whole foods, so the only options I had to eat from, were healthy whole food options.
So it didn’t take any willpower to eat healthy.
NUMBER FOUR, I posted my eating schedule right on the refrigerator door, so that I was constantly reminded about when and what to eat.
That constant reminder motivated me to stick to my eating plan.
NUMBER FIVE, I purchased food that was in portion sized containers so I was never tempted to eat more than I should.
So it didn’t take any willpower to control my portion sizes.
I call each of these…
Willpower Systems are little systems, that reduced my need for willpower to eat healthy, control my portions and exercise daily.
And because of these willpower systems, I was able to eat right and exercise LONG ENOUGH, so that eventually I was able to make them HABITS.
And today, I still do them without any need for much willpower.
In fact, I enjoy eating healthy and working out so much now that I can’t imagine not doing it.
And the same can happen for you too! I promise it can!
Listen, sheer willpower is not enough to help you create a lean, healthy lifestyle.
Let me say that again, if you’re relying on your sheer willpower alone, to help you stick with your diet or exercise plan, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
And that’s what all the other weight loss programs do, that are being marketed today.
THEY SET YOU UP FOR FAILURE because all they talk about is either a specific diet, or an exercise routine, but they rarely mention anything, about how to build your willpower so that you can STICK with the program long term.
When I started losing weight and seeing these great results, I wanted to start exercising.
But I had never successfully stuck to an exercise plan.
Every time I’d want to go to the gym, I’d end up talking myself out of it and quitting.
Does that sound familiar?
So I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do it by myself.
So here’s what I did.
Out of about friends I emailed, one responded and said he’d loved to come and workout with me.
Now I had an accountability partner and so that’s how I started lifting weights every day.
So every day, like clock work, for a whole year, I ate whole foods that were perfectly portioned, and I worked out – days a week.
I repeated those healthy behaviors so many times, that they eventually became a habit.
They were like second nature to me.
I didn’t have to exert any willpower to do them.
People reported that “LACK OF WILLPOWER” was the number one reason why they were unable to lose weight.
So, instead of saying that successful weight loss comes from 70% what you eat and 30% how much you exercise, like all the gurus tell you…
….the REAL TRUTH is that successful, long term weight loss comes from 95% PERCENT WILLPOWER, and only 5% percent healthy eating and exercise.
The fact is, that the vast majority of people, just don’t have strong enough willpower to stick with their new, healthy lifestyle long enough, for it to become a habit. So they end up quitting altogether.
Your lack of Willpower is what’s standing between you and your dream of achieving a great looking, slim body and a long term healthy lifestyle.
Okay, I’m pretty sure, this is something you already know.
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight and you quit, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
If you don’t have enough WILLPOWER to stick with a program, you’ll never be able to form the healthy habits you need to do, to create a lifelong healthy lifestyle.
Well, willpower is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.
What this means, is the more you use your willpower to make healthy food choices, and to exercise consistently, the stronger your willpower becomes to do them.
Eventually, those healthy behaviors become habits.
You see, it all starts in your brain.
Every time you repeat a healthy behavior, neurons in your brain communicate with each other to create a neural pathway.
The more you repeat the behavior, the larger and stronger the neural pathway grows.
With repeated behavior, eventually the neural pathway is strong enough to form a habit, and a habit is a behavior that’s done automatically, without the use of much willpower.
And that’s the end goal.
Now here’s the really cool thing.
I know that sounds strange, but it’s true.
After getting out of bed at 5:00 AM in the morning, over 300 times, it became a habit for me.
The more you exercise your willpower to repeat healthy behaviors, the stronger your willpower gets, until it eventually becomes a HABIT, at which point, you don't need much willpower to repeat the behavior.
This reminds me of the famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
THAT is how you LOSE WEIGHT PERMANENTLY and create a lifelong healthy lifestyle. I hope that makes sense.
How do you start eating right and exercising, WITHOUT having to exert all that willpower IN THE BEGINNING, so that you can continue to do it enough times, so that it will eventually turn into an automatic habit?
THAT’s the big
And in the remainder of this letter, I’m going to reveal to you the answer to the big question and explain exactly how to do it.
So please stick with me because…
… and how to create long term, sustainable healthy habits that result in finally achieving a great looking body, and maintaining that healthy body, for the rest of you life.
Okay, remember my story at the beginning of this presentation, about how I was able to get healthy, lose weight and keep it off because of a few simple systems I inserted into my life.
Listen up now, because again, this is the WILLPOWER SECRET
Willpower Systems are little systems, that reduced my need for willpower to eat healthy, control my portions and exercise daily.
And because of these willpower systems, I was able to eat right and exercise LONG ENOUGH, so that eventually I was able to make them HABITS.
And today, I still do them without any need for much willpower.
In fact, I enjoy eating healthy and working out so much now that I can’t imagine not doing it.
And the same can happen for you too! I promise it can!
Listen, sheer willpower is not enough to help you create a lean, healthy lifestyle.
Let’s suppose you didn’t want to overeat while eating out at a restaurant.
Using only sheer willpower, I guarantee you, it would very difficult.
But imagine if you asked the waiter to box half of your food up before he brought it to you.
Automatically, you would eat a smaller portion of food and consume only half the calories.
Here’s one more example.
Let’s say, you wanted to control the portion sizes of food you served onto your plate.
Even if you used sheer willpower, after a while, you’d be loading up your plate like you always do.
Instead, if you batched cooked all your meals at the beginning of the week and placed them in meal portioned containers, you’d be forced to only eat the right portions.
Let’s say, you wanted to control the portion sizes of food you served onto your plate.
Even if you used sheer willpower, after a while, you’d be loading up your plate like you always do.
Instead, if you batched cooked all your meals at the beginning of the week and placed them in meal portioned containers, you’d be forced to only eat the right portions.
I hope you get the idea now.
Can you see how powerful that is?
I hope you get the idea now.
Can you see how powerful that is?
Using willpower systems is a breakthrough, for strengthening your willpower and creating healthy habits.
WHEN YOU USE WILLPOWER SYSTEMS you don’t have to white knuckle it and use every ounce of mental energy you have, just to repeat healthy behaviors.
WHEN YOU USE WILLPOWER SYSTEMS it dramatically reduces your need to rely on any willpower, which then, makes it easy to eat right and exercise every day.
The WILLPOWER SECRET SUSTAINABLE HABITS PROGRAM is a unique program that consists training materials that will help teach you how to master your willpower so that you will FINALLY create the sustainable healthy habits necessary to transform your body and live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.
When that happens, you’ll finally be able to lose the weight you’ve always wanted to lose.
But this time it will be different, because once you lose the weight, you’ll be able to keep it off.
YOU WILL FINALLY achieve that lifelong healthy lifestyle that everyone talks about, but very few ever achieve.
YOU WILL FINALLY be able to overcome, all the temptations you often get, to eat sugary, sweet foods.
YOU WILL FINALLY be able to overcome your cravings and stop overeating all those pleasure foods, that in the past, you just couldn’t stop eating.
And because of that, your self esteem will skyrocket.
Your self confidence will shoot through the roof.
Your self control will become rock solid, and when you master your self control, it’s going to help you to start making changes in other areas of your life.
YOU WILL FINALLY step into your power as the confident, self assured, happy person you were meant to be.
That’s what will happen, when you follow the Willpower Secret program.
Now there’s one last thing I’m going to teach you in my Willpower Secrets book, that’s tested, and has been been scientifically proven to work.
I'm going to teach you a little known activation method, that will finally unlock the code, to turning those positive urges and impulses to eat healthy, avoid unhealthy foods and get to the gym, into IMMEDIATE ACTION.
HAVE YOU EVER felt an impulse to avoid eating something unhealthy, but in the next few seconds started munching down on it.
HAVE YOU EVER gone to a restaurant and knew in your mind you were gonna order a salad, instead of a high calorie meal, only to give in seconds later and order the high calorie meal.
HAVE YOU EVER sudden urge to get out of bed and hop over to the gym, but a minute later, you roll over and go back to sleep.
I did all those things, until I learned this little known activation method, for turning what you KNOW you should do, into DOING what you should do.
And I’m going to teach you this activation method in my book.
Now, to help you put the Willpower Secrets concepts into action, I’ve created a companion fast start action guide.
I call it the…
The goal of the 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge, is to help you systematically, put into action, the 7 POWER HABITS in 7 WEEKS.
You see, I took the hundreds of healthy habits, that the leanest, healthiest people do on a consistent basis, and I analyzed each one of them.
And then I pruned them all down, to the top 7 “power” habits, that will have the most impact on your health and your life.
And I created a quick start guide to give you a process, and a structure, for implementing each of the seven habits into your life.
EACH WEEK the guide will introduce ONE NEW HABIT for you to work on.
All week long you’ll focus exclusively on adopting, that week’s healthy habit, into your life.
We’re gonna take this transformation step by step, one habit at a time.
Most diets want you to start doing a load of things all at the same time.
They want you to IMMEDIATELY change your long held eating habits and start doing vigorous workouts.
All it does is make people quit as fast as they started.
These diet plans produce some quick weight loss, but when your metabolism adapts,and the going gets harder, people usually quit.
But that’s not so when you’re using willpower systems.
This 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge will help you to use the power of WILLPOWER SYSTEMS to implement the 7 POWER HABITS and help you keep repeating them.
Habit number 7, alone, has the power to completely transform your health.
And I know this for a fact, because I’ve mastered habit seven and it completely takes away my need for any willpower to eat healthy and control my portions.
I do this habit every day.
It will change your life, if you take it seriously, and keep practicing habit number seven, until you can master it.
And again, willpower systems are going to help you do it.
This 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Quick Start Guide will give you all the instructions and resources you need to begin to master these top seven power habits.
You’ll learn exactly what steps to take, where to get the resources you’ll need to take them, and how to put each habit into action in your life, using willpower systems.
Now I have something very exciting for you.
Introducing the…
If your’e like me, you like learning new concepts in different ways.
I like to read books, but I learn a lot better when I have a coach guiding me through the program.
Someone I can look at face to face and watch them explain the new ideas and concepts I need to learn.
After several months of hard work and a professional video crew, I filmed the Willpower Secrets Video Coaching Program.
This video coaching program contains 37 different video coaching sessions. Each video coaching session explains all the Willpower Secret concepts, philosophies, tactics and strategies.
Each video coaching session is only about three minutes long, so they’re easy to watch and direct to the point.
It’s like having me, sit with you, one to one, face to face, and coach you through all the Willpower Secrets concepts and action steps.
Okay, the FOURTH COMPONENT of the Willpower Secrets Program that is going to get you very excited. Introducing the...
In my Willpower Secrets Book and in the 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Quick Start Guide, I give you several ideas and suggestions for willpower systems, because remember, Willpower Systems are the key to helping you repeat healthy behaviors, without exerting a lot of willpower.
But the number one question I always get asked is...
In this fully illustrated manual, I reveal 45 different and unique willpower systems to help inspire you to break your bad habits and create new healthy habits.
Most of these willpower systems have been used personally, by me, over the last five years, to keep me in shape and living a healthy, lean lifestyle.
Just One of These Willpower Systems Could Be an Extraordinary Life Changer for You.
The Willpower System manual is an incredible tool, and if you’ve ever struggled with working out every day or sticking to a diet, any diet.
No matter what diet it is, you need to have this manual.
FiRST, you’ll get my Willpower Secrets book, which I sell by itself for $39 dollars.
And it worth every penny of it, assuming you believe that $39 is a small price to pay for transforming your life.
SECOND, you’ll get the 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Quick Start Guide, which is a step-by-step plan to help you implement the Willpower Secrets concepts into your life. The quick start guide is sold separately for $29 dollars.
THIRD, you’ll receive, is the Willpower System Video Coaching Program, consisting of video coaching sessions.
If you were to hire me for one on one coaching, my hourly rate is $150 dollars an hour.
All videos combined is about two hours long, so the minimal value of the video coaching program is $300.
FOURTH, and perhaps the most valuable tool in the program is the Willpower System Manual, which I could easily sell as a $97 program by itself.
This manual gives you 45 unique ideas you can use to REDUCE YOUR NEED FOR WILLPOWER.
Sheer willpower is for losers. Willpower systems are for winners!
So the total value of the entire Willpower Secrets program is $465 dollars.
But I want to invest in your success.
I want you to finally master the one thing, the most important thing, that has always held you back, from getting down to your ideal weight and staying there.
So I’ve decided to do something crazy.
That means that I’m investing $428 dollars in you!
I’m covering this cost for you by reducing your investment in this program by $428!
Right now, you only have to a pay a very generous, reduced price of $378 for the entire Willpower Secrets.
Like I said, I normally charge $150 for one hour of my personal coaching time.
Your investment in the entire Willpower Systems Program, is for less than one quarter of that price.
Listen, when you go out with your husband or wife, or a significant other, for a dinner and movie, you'd pay way more than $37.
A proven system that will dramatically strengthen your willpower, that will allow you to finally shed your extra weight, and keep it off for the rest of your life…
…one date night with your partner?
To me, that’s a no brainer.
It’s a small investment of only $37.
It’s NOT a monthly recurring charge. It’s a ONE TIME investment.
If you don’t think it’s right for you, just contact us and we’ll refund your full $37 dollars.
How’s that for confidence.
I believe in the life transforming power of the Willpower Secret program that I'm going to give you a full 60 days to use this program.
I’m putting my money where my mouth is.
If you don’t like it, I’ll give your money back.
No questions asked. And we’ll part as friends.
Listen, you and I know, that if you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, you’ll keep getting the same results. Right?
You and I also know, that knowing what to eat, and knowing how to workout, is NOT YOUR REAL PROBLEM.
Right now, you lack the willpower, to stick to your eating and exercise plan.
That’s the exact problem that the Willpower Secret Program solves.
And it’s the most effective program you can buy to solve it.
This is my flagship, healthy eating manual.
It has over 55 pages that are fully illustrated with beautiful graphics explaining my top ten healthy eating rules, to help you…
…while never having to feel hungry.
This is the healthy eating book that I wish I had when I started out my health and fitness journey.
It's easy to read.
It's right to the point.
It has zero fluff.
And it's fully illustrated! It contains hundreds of very specific tips, suggestions and advice about…
And personally, I like to have concrete, clear cut rules in my life to keep me healthy.
The more clear, concise and to-the-point your eating plan is, the higher likelihood there is, for you to stick to it.
This book also covers a lot more topics…
In my opinion, and yes, I’m a little biased, but this is the best, healthy eating book you’ll ever read.
I normally sell this book for $24, but today I’m going to include it for FREE with the Willpower Secrets program.
You might already have a lot of experience working out, but if you’re just coming back to exercising or just starting out, this manual will help you choose the exact exercise program that’s right for you.
The Start Up Weight Loss Exercise Guide answers questions like…
Question 1. If I’m just starting out, what is the best exercise for me to do?
Question 2. Should I do cardio exercises or strength training exercises?
Question 3. What is a good outdoor exercise routine for me?
Question 4. What exercises should I be doing if I’m very overweight or clinically obese?
Question 5. What exercises should I absolutely avoid doing?
Question 6. How long should I be exercising?
Question 7. If I want to do weight training, what’s a good weight training routine?
All these questions, and many more, are answered in my exercise start up guide.
It also contains workout schedules and an exercise progression chart that‘ll help you to ease into working out, by taking you from beginner exercise programs, to advanced.
And this guide is specifically designed for people who want to lose weight, safely and effectively.
I usually sell this book for $19 by itself, which is a steal, because if you were to hire a local fitness coach, for only one hour, you’d pay upwards of $40.
The Willpower Secret book will reveal how to FINALLY stick to your eating and exercise plan so that you can live a sustainable, long-term, healthy lifestyle.
Here’s just a few things you’ll discover in this breakthrough book…
The 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge will give you a step by step, roadmap to implement the 7 POWER HABITS over a 7 week period that will result in losing weight, gaining energy, boosting your self confidence and most of all, strengthening your willpower.
The 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Fast Start Action Guide…
The Willpower Secrets Video Coaching Program contains 37 instructional videos teaching you all the Willpower Secrets concepts, philosophies, tactics and strategies. Each video is only 3 minutes long so it’s like having me, as your personal coach, at your convenience, no matter where you are.
Here are just a few of the secrets you’ll watch me teach in you In the Willpower Secrets Video Coaching Program…
In the Willpower Systems Manual you will discover 45 simple, but incredibly effective Willpower System ideas for you to use to help force your mind to DO the healthy behaviors you know you’re supposed to do, but have struggled doing for so long.
In the Willpower Systems Manual, you will discover a Willpower System that…
This book is JAM PACKED with tips, tactics, and strategies for eating healthy that results in a lean, energetic physique. It is straight to-the-point, crystal-clear and easy-to-read. After you read this book, you’ll know EVERYTHING you’ll need to know about sustainable healthy eating.
In the “10 Eating Rules for Permanent Weight Loss Success”, you will …
These are just a few of the amazing Willpower Systems you’ll discover in this manual. Each of these Willpower Systems are simple to implement and fun to use.
EXERCISE is VITALLY IMPORTANT to sustaining your weight loss over the long term. Whether you are just beginning your exercise journey or you’re a pro. This guide will take you by the hand and help you create your own personal weight loss exercise plan that will fit your personality and preferences.
In the “Start Up Weight Loss Exercise Guide, you will discover…
The #1 way to maintain your weight loss after you’ve gotten down to your “happy weight” is to consistently exercise. This is the starter manual I wish I had when I started exercising for weight loss.
The Willpower Secret Book
The 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Fast Start Guide
The Willpower Secret Video Coaching Program
The Willpower Systems Manual
The 10 Eating Rules for Permanent Weight Loss Success Book
The Start Up Weight Loss Exercise Guide
- $428
I’m so certain that this program will work for anyone who wants to make a change in their life, that I’m giving you this opportunity, 100% risk free.
FIRST: You will be able to finally stick to your diet and exercise plan. Instead of giving up and throwing in the towel, you'll discover how to use Willpower Systems that will make performing healthy behaviors simpler and easier to do.
SECOND: Your willpower strength
will increase ten fold. Using
Willpower Systems will reduce the need for willpower, which will increase your
ability to continue to repeat behaviors until they become habits.
THIRD: You'll be able to turn your desires into immediate action. You'll dramatically increase your ability to turn your healthy desires into action. You'll be jumping out of bed to go to the gym and you'll be able to easily make better food choices, even when you're tempted to eat unhealthy food.
FOURTH: You'll feel your self confidence rise. Strengthening your willpower and increasing your ability to say "no" to unhealthy behaviors will give you a new found confidence in your self and your ability to achieve (and keep) the body you've always wanted.
FIFITH: You'll finally be able to control your cravings. No more giving into temptations! You'll be able to look at sweet foods or high calorie "comfort" foods and not even feel cravings to eat them.
SIXTH: You'll have a rock solid eating plan with foods you enjoy. You'll discover the 12 unbreakable eating rules that will help you devise your own healthy eating plan that is right for you with healthy foods that you enjoy and crave.
SEVENTH: You'll never have to feel guilty again. No more guilt. No more shame. No more embarrassment. No more depression. No more of all that nonsense. You'll begin to feel confident, full of energy and eager to eat healthy fresh foods without feeling any guilt for an occasional, planned treat meal.
Seriously. What would it be worth to you? What would it be worth to you if you could completely transform your body and mind from where you are today, to a new, healthy-minded, athletic, slim-bodied person who has the inner willpower to succeed at life?
WHAT WOULD IT BE WORTH TO YOU, if you had the willpower to jump out of bed and go to the gym, and get a workout in, with very little effort?
WHAT WOULD IT BE WORTH TO YOU, if you had the willpower to turn down unhealthy foods when you’re eating at home, or on the town, and avoid any food you know is not good for you?
WHAT WOULD IT BE WORTH TO YOU, if you had the willpower to pull away and stop overeating foods, that you just end up feeling bad about later on?
WHAT WOULD IT BE WORTH TO YOU, to see your weight start to melt off like butter, without all the regular starvation or deprivation most diets cause?
And finally...
WHAT WOULD IT BE WORTH TO YOU, if you could keep eating healthy and working out consistently, just like it’s second nature to you, for years and years to come, with little to no effort?
Would all that be worth, as much as you would pay, for eating just one meal out on the town or the price of movies and a box of popcorn?
I sure hope so.
You are a meager $37 away from a new life. Take a chance. Invest in yourself.
You have nothing lose because of my 60 day money back guarantee.
And you have an entirely new life to gain. So push the buy button below and you’ll immediately get access to the Willpower Secret Members Area.
David Frey
Creator, The Willpower Secret
I know, I know…you’re unsure whether this program can really help you or whether it’s even a good fit for you. If that’s true, then here are few questions that you can ask yourself to see if the Willpower Secret program is right for you.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you have a history of jumping from one diet to another, while never being able to stay with one long term?
If you jump from one diet to another it means that your were never able to sustain your weight loss from your first diet (assuming you lost weight).
It doesn't matter what diet you're on (and I do give you a suggested, well-balanced, healthy eating plan in the program), the Willpower Secret program will help you STICK to that diet plan for as long as it takes for it to become a habit. And healthy habits allow you to keep the excess weight off forever.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you start a diet, lose weight, hit a plateau, get depressed and end up quitting?
Plateaus are the most consistent obstacle to creating a long term habit. Plateaus are depressing. Without seeing any progress, most people say to themselves, "This just isn't worth my effort." and they just quit.
The Willpower Secret program will teach you a unique method to avoid quitting your eating plan, even if you are stuck on a plateau and can't see to move past it.
ASK YOURSELF: When you're supposed to go to the gym, do you say, "Heck with it!," roll over, and fall back to sleep, when your alarm clock goes off?
If this describes you, then you have a lot of company because studies have shown that 80 percent of people who joined a gym in January 2012 quit within five months. This will NOT be you! In the Willpower Secret program you will be using Willpower Systems that will almost "force" you to get to the gym to do your workouts.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you always gain the weight back that you worked so hard to lose after about 2 months into a new diet plan?
Two months seems to be the popular point at which people quit their weight loss plan. They get tired of their eating restrictions, having to limit their calories and always having to be hyper aware of what they are eating.
It's gets tiring. Using Willpower Systems, you'll be able to push through those valleys of difficulty and keep pressing on until your new eating and exercise plan become second nature to you.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you hate preparing complicated meals every single day that take a long time to cook and that are supposed to be healthy?
One of the main reasons people quit on their diets is because their daily food preparation becomes and long, arduous task. In the Willpower Secret program you'll discover how to make super healthy, super fast, delicious meals.
No more 30 - 40 minutes of daily meal cooking. In just a few minutes you'll be able to put together a delicious, healthy meal using my ultra fast meal prep methods.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you eat healthy during the day, but at night you fall into the same old routine of eating junk food and overeating other unhealthy foods?
The majority of people overeat at night time. They usually get bored while watching TV and they find themselves wandering over to their refrigerator or pantry and before you know it, they gobbled down heaps of unhealthy food.
In the Willpower Secret program I'll reveal several ways to avoid night time binging that will take minimal effort to implement and will leave you going to bed feeling healthy and satisfied.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you get tired of having to restrict the amount of calories you eat to keep your weight from piling back on after losing it?
If you're counting calories, STOP IT! You don't have to! I've never counted a single calorie in my entire life. You don't have to either if you're eating the right types of foods in the right quantities. The Willpower System will show you have to completely avoid having to ever count another calorie in your life. Yuck! I hate counting anything, especially calories.
ASK YOURSELF: When you're supposed to go to the gym, do you say, "Heck with it!," roll over, and fall back to sleep, when your alarm clock goes off?
If this describes you, then you have a lot of company because studies have shown that 80 percent of people who joined a gym in January 2012 quit within five months. This will NOT be you! In the Willpower Secret program you will be using Willpower Systems that will almost "force" you to get to the gym to do your workouts.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you get insatiable cravings for sweet foods (i.e. a "sweet tooth") or comfort foods (i.e. like cheeseburgers, french fries or pizza)?
The only reason you are getting cravings is because you're still eating foods that cause cravings! The Willpower Secret shows you how to dramatically strengthen your willpower to avoid these foods so that your cravings will go away and your temptations to eat unhealthy foods will end forever.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you consider yourself an emotional eater that tends to binge on foods when some type of incident occurs that triggers an emotional response?
In just a few minutes you could be downloading the Willpower Secret program. You’re only minutes away from building your willpower so that you can establish the sustainable healthy habits in your life to FINALLY life a long term, slim, healthy lifestyle.
Using willpower systems is a breakthrough, for strengthening your willpower and creating healthy habits.
WHEN YOU USE WILLPOWER SYSTEMS you don’t have to white knuckle it and use every ounce of mental energy you have, just to repeat healthy behaviors.
WHEN YOU USE WILLPOWER SYSTEMS it dramatically reduces your need to rely on any willpower, which then, makes it easy to eat right and exercise every day.
The WILLPOWER SECRET SUSTAINABLE HABITS PROGRAM is a unique program that consists training materials that will help teach you how to master your willpower so that you will FINALLY create the sustainable healthy habits necessary to transform your body and live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.
When that happens, you’ll finally be able to lose the weight you’ve always wanted to lose.
But this time it will be different, because once you lose the weight, you’ll be able to keep it off.
YOU WILL FINALLY achieve that lifelong healthy lifestyle that everyone talks about, but very few ever achieve.
YOU WILL FINALLY be able to overcome, all the temptations you often get, to eat sugary, sweet foods.
YOU WILL FINALLY be able to overcome your cravings and stop overeating all those pleasure foods, that in the past, you just couldn’t stop eating.
And because of that, your self esteem will skyrocket.
Your self confidence will shoot through the roof.
Your self control will become rock solid, and when you master your self control, it’s going to help you to start making changes in other areas of your life.
YOU WILL FINALLY step into your power as the confident, self assured, happy person you were meant to be.
That’s what will happen, when you follow the Willpower Secret program.
Now there’s one last thing I’m going to teach you in my Willpower Secrets book, that’s tested, and has been been scientifically proven to work.
I'm going to teach you a little known activation method, that will finally unlock the code, to turning those positive urges and impulses to eat healthy, avoid unhealthy foods and get to the gym, into IMMEDIATE ACTION.
HAVE YOU EVER felt an impulse to avoid eating something unhealthy, but in the next few seconds started munching down on it.
HAVE YOU EVER gone to a restaurant and knew in your mind you were gonna order a salad, instead of a high calorie meal, only to give in seconds later and order the high calorie meal.
You see, I took the hundreds of healthy habits, that the leanest, healthiest people do on a consistent basis, and I analyzed each one of them.
And then I pruned them all down, to the top 7 “power” habits, that will have the most impact on your health and your life.
And I created a quick start guide to give you a process, and a structure, for implementing each of the seven habits into your life.
This 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge will help you to use the power of WILLPOWER SYSTEMS to implement the 7 POWER HABITS and help you keep repeating them.
In fact, if you can master Habit #7 in this action guide, I promise you, it will change the way you shop for groceries, prepare your meals, and eat healthy forever.
Habit number 7, alone, has the power to completely transform your health.
And I know this for a fact, because I’ve mastered habit seven and it completely takes away my need for any willpower to eat healthy and control my portions.
I do this habit every day.
It will change your life, if you take it seriously, and keep practicing habit number seven, until you can master it.
And again, willpower systems are going to help you do it.
This 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Quick Start Guide will give you all the instructions and resources you need to begin to master these top seven power habits.
You’ll learn exactly what steps to take, where to get the resources you’ll need to take them, and how to put each habit into action in your life, using willpower systems.
Now I have something very exciting for you.
Introducing the…
It’s like having me, sit with you, one to one, face to face, and coach you through all the Willpower Secrets concepts and action steps.
Okay, the FOURTH COMPONENT of the Willpower Secrets Program that is going to get you very excited. Introducing the...
In my Willpower Secrets Book and in the 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Quick Start Guide, I give you several ideas and suggestions for willpower systems, because remember, Willpower Systems are the key to helping you repeat healthy behaviors, without exerting a lot of willpower.
But the number one question I always get asked is...
So I put my head down and created what is perhaps, the most valuable tool in the entire Willpower Secrets Program.
In this fully illustrated manual, I reveal 45 different and unique willpower systems to help inspire you to break your bad habits and create new healthy habits.
Most of these willpower systems have been used personally, by me, over the last five years, to keep me in shape and living a healthy, lean lifestyle.
Just One of These Willpower Systems Could Be an Extraordinary Life Changer for You.
The Willpower System manual is an incredible tool, and if you’ve ever struggled with working out every day or sticking to a diet, any diet.
No matter what diet it is, you need to have this manual.
FiRST, you’ll get my Willpower Secrets book, which I sell by itself for $39 dollars.
And it worth every penny of it, assuming you believe that $39 is a small price to pay for transforming your life.
SECOND, you’ll get the 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Quick Start Guide, which is a step-by-step plan to help you implement the Willpower Secrets concepts into your life. The quick start guide is sold separately for $29 dollars.
THIRD, you’ll receive, is the Willpower System Video Coaching Program, consisting of video coaching sessions.
If you were to hire me for one on one coaching, my hourly rate is $150 dollars an hour.
All videos combined is about two hours long, so the minimal value of the video coaching program is $300.
FOURTH, and perhaps the most valuable tool in the program is the Willpower System Manual, which I could easily sell as a $97 program by itself.
This manual gives you 45 unique ideas you can use to REDUCE YOUR NEED FOR WILLPOWER.
Sheer willpower is for losers. Willpower systems are for winners!
So the total value of the entire Willpower Secrets program is $465 dollars.
But I want to invest in your success.
I want you to finally master the one thing, the most important thing, that has always held you back, from getting down to your ideal weight and staying there.
So I’ve decided to do something crazy.
That means that I’m investing $428 dollars in you!
I’m covering this cost for you by reducing your investment in this program by $428!
Right now, you only have to a pay a very generous, reduced price of $378 for the entire Willpower Secrets.
Like I said, I normally charge $150 for one hour of my personal coaching time.
Your investment in the entire Willpower Systems Program, is for less than one quarter of that price.
Listen, when you go out with your husband or wife, or a significant other, for a dinner and movie, you'd pay way more than $37.
A proven system that will dramatically strengthen your willpower, that will allow you to finally shed your extra weight, and keep it off for the rest of your life…
…one date night with your partner?
To me, that’s a no brainer.
It’s a small investment of only $37.
It’s NOT a monthly recurring charge. It’s a ONE TIME investment.
Listen, you and I know, that if you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, you’ll keep getting the same results. Right?
You and I also know, that knowing what to eat, and knowing how to workout, is NOT YOUR REAL PROBLEM.
Right now, you lack the willpower, to stick to your eating and exercise plan.
That’s the exact problem that the Willpower Secret Program solves.
And it’s the most effective program you can buy to solve it.
This is my flagship, healthy eating manual.
It has over 55 pages that are fully illustrated with beautiful graphics explaining my top ten healthy eating rules, to help you…
…while never having to feel hungry.
This is the healthy eating book that I wish I had when I started out my health and fitness journey.
It's easy to read.
It's right to the point.
It has zero fluff.
And it's fully illustrated! It contains hundreds of very specific tips, suggestions and advice about…
And personally, I like to have concrete, clear cut rules in my life to keep me healthy.
The more clear, concise and to-the-point your eating plan is, the higher likelihood there is, for you to stick to it.
This book also covers a lot more topics…
In my opinion, and yes, I’m a little biased, but this is the best, healthy eating book you’ll ever read.
I normally sell this book for $24, but today I’m going to include it for FREE with the Willpower Secrets program.
The Willpower Secret book will reveal how to FINALLY stick to your eating and exercise plan so that you can live a sustainable, long-term, healthy lifestyle.
Here’s just a few things you’ll discover in this breakthrough book…
The 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge will give you a step by step, roadmap to implement the 7 POWER HABITS over a 7 week period that will result in losing weight, gaining energy, boosting your self confidence and most of all, strengthening your willpower.
The 7 X 7 Willpower Challenge Fast Start Action Guide…
The Willpower Secrets Video Coaching Program contains 37 instructional videos teaching you all the Willpower Secrets concepts, philosophies, tactics and strategies. Each video is only 3 minutes long so it’s like having me, as your personal coach, at your convenience, no matter where you are.
Here are just a few of the secrets you’ll watch me teach in you In the Willpower Secrets Video Coaching Program…
In the Willpower Systems Manual you will discover 45 simple, but incredibly effective Willpower System ideas for you to use to help force your mind to DO the healthy behaviors you know you’re supposed to do, but have struggled doing for so long.
In the Willpower Systems Manual, you will discover a Willpower System that…
EXERCISE is VITALLY IMPORTANT to sustaining your weight loss over the long term. Whether you are just beginning your exercise journey or you’re a pro. This guide will take you by the hand and help you create your own personal weight loss exercise plan that will fit your personality and preferences.
In the “Start Up Weight Loss Exercise Guide, you will discover…
The #1 way to maintain your weight loss after you’ve gotten down to your “happy weight” is to consistently exercise. This is the starter manual I wish I had when I started exercising for weight loss.
- $428
David Frey
Creator, The Willpower Secret
ASK YOURSELF: Do you have a history of jumping from one diet to another, while never being able to stay with one long term?
If you jump from one diet to another it means that your were never able to sustain your weight loss from your first diet (assuming you lost weight).
It doesn't matter what diet you're on (and I do give you a suggested, well-balanced, healthy eating plan in the program), the Willpower Secret program will help you STICK to that diet plan for as long as it takes for it to become a habit. And healthy habits allow you to keep the excess weight off forever.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you start a diet, lose weight, hit a plateau, get depressed and end up quitting?
Plateaus are the most consistent obstacle to creating a long term habit. Plateaus are depressing. Without seeing any progress, most people say to themselves, "This just isn't worth my effort." and they just quit.
The Willpower Secret program will teach you a unique method to avoid quitting your eating plan, even if you are stuck on a plateau and can't see to move past it.
ASK YOURSELF: When you're supposed to go to the gym, do you say, "Heck with it!," roll over, and fall back to sleep, when your alarm clock goes off?
ASK YOURSELF: Do you always gain the weight back that you worked so hard to lose after about 2 months into a new diet plan?
ASK YOURSELF: Do you hate preparing complicated meals every single day that take a long time to cook and that are supposed to be healthy?
One of the main reasons people quit on their diets is because their daily food preparation becomes and long, arduous task. In the Willpower Secret program you'll discover how to make super healthy, super fast, delicious meals.
No more 30 - 40 minutes of daily meal cooking. In just a few minutes you'll be able to put together a delicious, healthy meal using my ultra fast meal prep methods.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you eat healthy during the day, but at night you fall into the same old routine of eating junk food and overeating other unhealthy foods?
The majority of people overeat at night time. They usually get bored while watching TV and they find themselves wandering over to their refrigerator or pantry and before you know it, they gobbled down heaps of unhealthy food.
In the Willpower Secret program I'll reveal several ways to avoid night time binging that will take minimal effort to implement and will leave you going to bed feeling healthy and satisfied.
ASK YOURSELF: Do you get insatiable cravings for sweet foods (i.e. a "sweet tooth") or comfort foods (i.e. like cheeseburgers, french fries or pizza)?
ASK YOURSELF: Do you consider yourself an emotional eater that tends to binge on foods when some type of incident occurs that triggers an emotional response?
In just a few minutes you could be downloading the Willpower Secret program. You’re only minutes away from building your willpower so that you can establish the sustainable healthy habits in your life to FINALLY life a long term, slim, healthy lifestyle.
© The Willpower Secret. - Copyright 2018 - Fithealthy LLC- All Rights Reserved